Portrait Photography
Course Outline
The purpose of this course is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence, using digital image photography, to capture and produce portrait-images within a studio environment. The student will learn various lighting techniques, (both traditional and modern) and will explore the benefits & limitations of working within a photographic studio. The student will learn how to use a light-meter & work with Studio Flash technology, starting with a single light-source and progressing to multiple light-sources. The student will also learn how to pose a person/model in front of the camera and will also learn how to interact & communicate with that person in order to capture the ideal portrait in a flattering manner. Camera settings and Flash settings will be taught, as well as the positioning the of lights, reflectors, modifiers, backgrounds, and props to achieve the ideal portrait. This course is not a beginner’s course, and it is assumed that the student will have some working knowledge of their camera to take a reasonable photograph. Ownership of a digital camera (preferably with a hot-shoe attachment, or a built-in flash will be required for this course.
Tutor: John Sexton
Email: John.sexton@corketb.ie
Email: DCS-NightCollege@corketb.ie
Adult Education office Telephone: 086-0410668