Upholstery (Beginners)
Course outline
During the duration of this course, you will learn the following:
- Introduction to materials you need: -Choosing the type of fabric you require for your piece of furniture.
- Working with tools/Health & safety: –Learning about the tools you need and how to use them safety.
- Selecting fabrics: – Learning about the different fabric types that are most appropriate for a given purpose.
- Working with sewing machines: – Learning the basics of setting up and using a sewing machine.
- Hand Stitching- Learning about different hand stitching techniques.
- Project- Upholstering a small piece of furniture (this piece of furniture you choose must be able to fit into your car)
Tutor: Timea Eros
Email: Timea.Eros@corketb.ie
Email: DSC-NightCollege@corketb.ie
Adult Education office Telephone: 086-0410668